Three years ago amidst much fanfare, Google announced a new cloud-based gaming service called Google Stadia. There were a lot of promises of new titles, subscription plans, easy mobile gaming others. However, Google Stadia never really took off in a big way and now Google has announced that it is shutting down the service.
Why is Google shutting down Stadia?
Simply put, it just never became mainstream or popular. In a blog post, Google has admitted that. “While Stadia’s approach to streaming games for consumers was built on a strong technology foundation, it hasn’t gained the traction with users that we expected so we’ve made the difficult decision to begin winding down our Stadia streaming service,” says Phil Harrison , vice president and general manager, Stadia in a blog post.
What happens to users who made Stadia-related purchases?
Google said that it will refund everything back. “We will be refunding all Stadia hardware purchases made through the Google Store, and all game and add-on content purchases made through the Stadia store,” Harrison says. He further added that the company expects to have the majority of refunds complete by mid-January 2023.
Till when will Stadia content be available to users?
Players will continue to have access to their games library and play through January 18, 2023 so they can complete final play sessions.
Is Google ‘done’ with gaming?
Not really as Harrison made it clear Google remains “deeply committed to gaming, and we will continue to invest in new tools, technologies and platforms that power the success of developers, industry partners, cloud customers and creators.”
What happens to the team working on Stadia?
Many of them will be retained and will work in other parts of the company. “We’re so grateful for the groundbreaking work of the team and we look forward to continuing to have an impact across gaming and other industries using the foundational Stadia streaming technology,” adds Harrison in the blog post.